European Champion Niklas Anttila: Kasperi Pakarinen is a player to keep an eye on

European Champion Niklas Anttila: Kasperi Pakarinen is a player to keep an eye on

Niklas Anttila #91249 is a reigning European Disc Golf Champion. One of the biggest players and future stars in the Scandinavian disc golf scene. We will see Niklas competing in the US at the end of March. Texas State Championship, Music City Open, PDGA Champions Cup, Jonesboro Open, Dynamic Discs Open are on the list. Follow Niklas on Instagram.

Small intro, talk about your relationship with disc golf? Where are you from?

I am from Kuopio which is located in central Finland. Me and disc golf. We can definitely talk about passion. I am Niklas, a 20 year old boy from Finland. I have always liked sports and I play disc golf as my job. I started in 2016 and have played for 6 years, competitively for 5 years now.

Niklas Anttila
Let’s talk about disc golf in Finland? Please give us a small overview.

Disc golf in Finland is bigger than anywhere in Europe and the thing is that it’s growing so fast all the time. Great things are going to happen in the future. It is nice to be part of it.

What are your three career highligts and why?

My career highlights are winning the European Championships in 2021 and the Finnish Championships in 2020. What made it feel extra good is that I was so young, 18 and 19 years old and I just like winning.

Which tournaments are you planning to play this season?

I will publish my tour schedule for this year in the coming weeks. I will be in the US two times, first trip starting in March. I will spend my summer in Europe playing EPT, some Finnish PRO Tours and European Open.

What are your favourite courses and why?

I have two. The Beast at Nokia and Tampere Disc Golf Center. I just like the challenge those courses bring, they are also beautiful.

And favourite tournament?

My favorite tournament is the European Open. Major in Finland, awesome.

Players that you like or root for?

I was a big McBeth fan growing up. Nowadays I like to think those top tier players are opponents for me.

Niklas Anttila

Who do you think will crush it in 2022? Which US and European players?

Eagle McMahon, Paul McBeth and Ricky Wysocki will continue strongly. Linus Carlsson is my pick from Europe. Henna Blomroos and Eveliina Salonen are going to do well in FPO.

Hot prospects, who will have the biggest leap in terms of development?

My pick for this one is Kasperi Pakarinen from Finland. He is young and talented. He is practicing with me in Kuopio during winter.

What about discs, what are your 3 go to discs?

1. Discmania PD
2. Discmania Method
3. Discmania Sensei

Pictures: Discmania