Latitude64, Dynamic Discs, Westside Discs, Prodigy Disc, Innova, Discmania, Kastaplast, Prodiscus and Disctroyer flight charts.
Flight numbers explained in detail:
There are 4 flight number on each disc, for example 13 (speed) I 5 (glide) I 0 (turn) I 3.5 (fade).
SPEED = Speed ratings are listed from 1 to 15. Discs with a higher speed cut through the air better.
GLIDE = Glide range from 1 to 7. A disc with more glide is able to better maintain loft during flight.
TURN = High speed turn is between -5 and 1. A disc with low turn has a tendency to turn right when thrown backhanded by a right-hand player.
FADE = Low speed fade is listed from 0 to 6. A disc with high fade will tail off left and the end of the flight when thrown backhanded by a right-hand player.