Johannes Högberg #25307 is a 1008 rated Swedish disc golfer, Team64° player and a key person in Latitude 64°’s social media and marketing. Follow Johannes on Instagram.
Which US players do you think will crush it in 2k22 and why?
Well Ricky Wysocki, Paul McBeth and Eagle McMahon will crush it as usual. Matt Orum will be deadly on wooded courses. JohnE McCray will show the young guns that he still has what it takes.
And from Europe, what are your thoughts?
Kristin Tattar will crush it! I'm really excited to see Linus Carlsson and Niklas Anttila on the US tour. Oh, and I think Albert Tamm will have his break-through-year on the Disc Golf Pro Tour.
Who will win the Finnish PRO Tour, EuroTour, Euro PRO Tour in the MPO division?
Wow, tough one. I believe many Europeans will try their luck in the US in 2022, so I am uncertain which players will focus on competing in Europe. But I guess someone from Finland will win.
What about Sweden, Finland and Estonia – who will win the local championships in the MPO division?
Linus Carlsson will win the Swedish Championships, he's just too dominant. Finland is trickier with so many good players, but Lauri Lehtinen is just getting better every year and I think 2022 will be his year. Estonia – Silver Lätt is tired of seeing Albert Tamm win and will get his revenge.
Hot prospects – which US and EU players will make the biggest progress and why?
Watch out for Kevin Kiefer (just got a sponsorship from Latitude 64) and will hit the Disc Golf Pro Tour big in 2022, he has the tools to make it happen and will only get better with every experience. For EU players I believe we will see the biggest progress from Keiti Tätte. She has the talent, and every event on the DGPT will be a great learning experience for her to build from.
Your 3 go to discs and why?
Opto Pure – It's my go to approach disc, and I just enjoy throwing it. I use it up to 85-90 meters so it gets used a lot.
Opto Explorer – My favorite fairway driver of all time (well River might be more fun to throw) but Explorer is the one I use the most.
Royal Grand Rive – Perfect amount of overstability in a distance driver for me, it goes far, and I just love the Grand plastic.