Matthias Vutt took on the role of two-time world champion Kristin Tattar's manager last year. It didn't take long before Tattar's social media accounts started filling up with news of new sponsorships from Estonian companies.
"Discgolf is one of Estonia's biggest sports," Matthias Vutt explains in an interview with Frisbeegolfmedia. "Additionally, she is the best in the world in her sport, which helps in securing sponsorships."
Estonia is making significant strides in promoting the sport. Vutt aims to attract funding and partners from outside the sport, which also opens doors for future generations: "One of the significant things we want to achieve through partnerships with major brands is breaking the bubble - we want to bring more attention from outside the bubble into the sport and show the community that attracting major brands is possible."
One of the major successes can be seen in Tattar's partnership with Porsche. It was also the most widely spread sponsorship news in discgolf, excluding manufacturer agreements.
Watch the full interview on Frisbee Golf Media's YouTube channel:
Original article: https://frisbeegolfmedia.fi/uutiset/kilpailut/dgpt-europe/european-disc-golf-festival/frisbeegolf-on-yksi-viron-suurimmista-urheilulajeista-kristin-tattarin-manageri-kertoo-kasvusta/