With the rapid and steady development of the disc golf scene players and enthusiasts are more and more eager by the day to try out new courses and face new challenges. New courses really enable to spark fresh excitement among the players, attract new ones and take the sport to further levels.
A great success story in terms of developing courses and taking disc golf to a new level is definitely Åland – a small region consisting of tiny islands that is situated in between Finland and Sweden. Of course, the islands themselves are already a sight to see with their magnificent landscapes, fresh sea climate and breathtaking nature, but what is even more exciting about this location is the fact that in 2020 Åland announced that in the course of slightly over a year they would build a total of 16 disc golf courses.
In 2021 10 of the courses were playable and currently Åland is home for 14 out of the 16 planned disc golf courses. What an ultimate destination for a disc golf vacation, right?

According to Discmania the project was envisioned by Mats Adamczak who serves as Åland’s Chairman for the Federation of Small Businesses. He joined forces with DiscGolfPark by Discmania to take this vision and make it a reality.

The courses are and will be with at least 9 holes to 18 holes and you can also connect all the courses in a single large course to play the world’s largest course with 180 holes. You can get an idea of what the courses look like here: https://www.discgolf.ax/courses.
According to Discgolfpark.com, after only one year it is already very clear that Åland’s decision to turn into a must-visit disc golf destination has fully justified itself. The courses are very popular, heavily used and the aim to bring more tourists to Åland has been achieved. Some courses are still in the works and the work certainly doesn’t end here but Adamczak strongly believes this is the beginning of a long-lasting success story.
World-record Disc Golf Course Project (Åland Disc Golf Park) is live! - YouTube