As the 2024 disc golf season starts to kick off, Team 64 Baltic emerges with a lineup that blends seasoned players with exciting new talent. Let's take a closer look at the roster and get to know one of the new additions, Lithuanian player Mireta Jurgeleviciute.
The Team
The core of Team 64 Baltic remains intact with familiar names such as Erki Alliksoo, Björn Marrandi, Hannes Kurn, Marko Narits, Marianne Must, Maria Liivamägi, and Kaire Tekku. As the only Estonian newcomer to the team, Marie Kielas is featured in this blog post. These players bring years of experience and a track record of success to the team.
However, what's particularly exciting this season is the inclusion of players from Latvia and Lithuania.
Joining the ranks are Latvians Sintija Klezberga and Toms Vacietis, along with Lithuanian talent Mireta Jurgeleviciute. Their addition reflects the growing popularity of disc golf in the region and underscores the team's commitment to diversity and inclusivity.
We had the opportunity to sit down with Mireta Jurgeleviciute and learn more about her journey in disc golf:
How long have you been playing disc golf, and what initially drew you to the sport?
The first time I tried disc golf was nine years ago. After trying it, I realized that it is a great sport and an active way to spend free time with family or friends. I didn’t take disc golf seriously at first, but the growing number of tournaments and interest in the sport has encouraged me to take more and more interest and to take it seriously. So, over the years, disc golf has become a part of my life. Disc golf fascinated me because of its uniqueness, the opportunity to continuously improve my skills, and the opportunity to travel and play disc golf in other countries and participate in various tournaments such as the European Disc Golf Championships.
What’s your tournament routine?
I’ve been using the same tournament routine for about a couple of years now and so far it’s working for me. I always like to go to bed earlier before a tournament because a good quality sleep is very important to me, so I sleep about eight to nine hours. Before going to bed I like to play a round in my mind, which I will play the next day. That way, I think about where I would like to end up and where I would rather not end up.
In the morning, before breakfast, I do static stretching exercises. For breakfast, I usually choose a high-carbohydrate meal, which gives me strength throughout the first round. When I arrive at the park, I first do dynamic exercises combined with movement. Then I do a series of putts to the basket and then I do long throws, starting with putters, midrangers, and finishing with drivers. Fifteen minutes before the start, I make a few putts to the basket, and I have to make all of them because if I go out without making a putt, I will have a bad feeling during the game."
What’s your favorite disc from the L64 lineup?
My favorite disc from L64 is Opto Sapphire.
With a blend of experience, talent, and a commitment to improvement, Team 64 Baltic is ready for taking on the 2024 season. As they hit the courses across the Baltic region and beyond, we anticipate seeing what they achieve!